Japan's Kikagaku Moyo have shared the mysterious third and final single from their new album Masana Temples. Taking its name from the Japanese word for riddle, 'Nazo Nazo' is a laid-back slice of tripped-out psychedelia that'll transport you somewhere far, far away. Enlisting the services of London-based musician and filmmaker Elliot Arnt to create the perfect visual accompaniment to the track, singer/drummer Go Kurosawa explained, “We really liked his band Vanishing Twin and always watched their videos. We contacted him earlier last year. This is the first song of ours which has Japanese lyrics - Tomo (vocals/guitar) made the melodies whilst I was seeking different vocal sounds. The melody reminded me an old Japanese folklore song and I thought Japanese might fit better than our gibberish sounds. Elliot asked me to translate so I sent him very strange translation, which made no sense, but somehow it made sense for him and he made the video. We were surprised how he used colour and how beautiful it is.” Masana Temples will be released on the 5th of October via the band’s own label Guruguru Brain. -Holly Mullineaux
